Wednesday, December 16, 2009

... almost hung it up

Thought I would just take a moment to collect my thoughts here before getting back to work. I just received an e-mail from the organization that held the screenplay competition I entered. They requested information that leads me to believe I may actually be a finalist. How crazy is that? The contest had over 1600 screenplays submitted, and I may be one of the 10 to 20 finalists.

The way that it works out is that they pick 1 to 3 finalists in each genre, as well as a single grand prize winner. I can't win the grand prize for two simple facts: my screenplay isn't that good and it is a genre piece. However, how cool would it be if I had one of the best horror screenplays? I'm sure out of that 1,600 at least a couple hundred were horror - so, it would still make me really happy.

I really consider mine more of an adventure/horror. I think with the proper editing it would still be a scary, creepy PG-13 ... or, it could be pushed over to R rather easy. I also love that it's a period piece set in antebellum Georgia. Anyway, I think I'll know something by next week. What a Christmas present, huh?

In any case, I'm still working on it -- there is another competition I want to enter it in. Maybe if it places in one or both, I can finally get it represented! I'm also still working on that short story that I want to place in an anthology, so I'm gonna have a couple busy weeks.

As a side note, if anyone knows Nathan Fillion - tell him I have a great screenplay for him!

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