So, my attempt at getting my writing back on track continues. I've submitted my screenplay to another competition, and I plan to enter it in at least one more. Of course, I won't hear a response from them for 6 months at least. Since I'll need to continue working, I'm going to attempt to work on a "spiritually uplifting" screenplay. Yes, yes ... those that know me are snickering at this time, however I've found a competition for Christian screenplays that not only has a very large prize, but I think I have an excellent story idea for it. I've already started my research in to Rome around 300 AD. Exciting, no?
Right now, I'm working on a short story that is pretty much kicking my ass. It's far too complex for the short amount of time I have to work on it. I desperately need readers that can turn around feedback in a day or two, so if that's you, please let me know! It's a modern urban update of a Greek myth. Well, hopefully, it is ... it may also be garbage. We'll see.
I still plan to work on a new novel ... when I decide what it's going to be. Shiloh's Way is still begging to be properly rewritten and edited. That may need to be my priority ... unless it really sucks. Any volunteers to read an unedited manuscript with an ending that's going to change?
I survived the holidays intact - I think I gave as well as I got, although I did receive some lovely presents. Two of my favorite presents were actually cookbooks given to me by my girlfriend. One is all different types of curry, which is pretty exciting to me! The second is the Manga Cookbook! If you've ever read a manga or watched an anime, food is often a big deal -- this book has recipes for almost everything you see! Terriyaki chicken, tonkatsu chicken, onigiri, homemade udon (can't wait!), and even how to put together a good bento!
Of course, I also got some great games: The Saboteur, Borderlands, and Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Gift cards were also in full bloom, as I received a $20 PSN card (already partially used for Valkyria Chronicles dlc), a $50 GameStop card which will help pay off some of my plentiful reserves, and a bunch for Panera! Yum!
The season is really about giving, though -- so I gave some to Child's Play, and I donated some games to a raffle to support Child's Play, I bought some meals for people at our local grocery, and I always support a child through Food for the Hungry.
If I don't update before the, I hope everyone has a fantastic New Year's - please be safe!
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