Friday, November 9, 2012

Where to grab Blackburn Burrow ...

Today was pretty exciting - I was interviewed by a local news anchor regarding Blackburn Burrow and Amazon Studios. It's exciting that things are still moving along!

I realize I should probably make it easier for everyone to pick up new copies of the comic, so here you go -- links to the first two issues. Get the Kindle version if you have a Kindle or an iPad or tablet with the Kindle app (the app is free) -- it really looks great!

This is the link to read the comic in the browser:
Issue 1
Issue 2

Links to the comic for Kindle at
Issue 1
Issue 2

I'm also ecstatic that I was able to rewrite the opening to Shiloh's Way ina manner that finally makes me happy. The whole original intro was driving me nuts.

Anyway, this is the part where I promise to blog more! No, really ... I promise!